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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Livin' Lean Topic Tuesday: A Great Book for a Fresh Start

Over winter break, I was able to read a smart, motivational book by fitness expert, Andrea Metcalf. This is especially exciting for me because as a doctoral student, most of my reading is mandatory and not always all that fun. This was a much needed change of pace. The book, Naked Fitness: The Proven 28 Day Lifestyle Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain Free Body, reinforces the many truths about living a healthy lifestyle and loving the body you are in. I made a real connection with this book. When it comes to health, nutrition and exercise; Andrea has got it figured out! 

Naked Fitness: The Proven 28 Day Lifestyle Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain Free BodySee, the things we need to do in order to look and feel great are not a well-kept secret. Information about the foods we need and the amount of exercise required are very accessible. There are plenty of resources out there (this book being one of them) to create the perfect plan for each of us. Once we find the plan that works, the real secret lies in finding, and maintaining, the right attitude to stick with it.

Andrea devotes a large part of the book to getting you mentally prepared for the Naked Fitness program. It involves facing the truth, facing the mirror, finding what you love about your body and pinpointing the things you don't. It also involves finding the motivational words to help push us along; the mantras. Actually, the part of the book I loved most was the section of inspirational, motivational quotes. A lot of them really resonated with me and where I am in my life. I truly believe that these phrases can push us to our best life. Never underestimate the power of words.  

Some of my favorites taken from Naked Fitness: The Proven 28 Day Lifestyle Program for a Slimmer, Fitter, Pain Free Body:

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions” - Albert Einstein

“If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces,never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again. " -Flavia Weedn

“You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.” -Michael Jordan

“It's never too late to be what you might have been.”-George Elliot

In addition to getting down to the bare truths about the mental and emotional sides to fitness, Andrea also shares an easy-to-follow exercise guide and nutrition plan. It is written and organized in a way that makes it easy for anyone to follow and understand. There are even pictures to help with the exercise portion! Not only has does this book serve as a great source of information, it will also be a great reference for years to come.

The most important point to understand about Naked Fitness is that it is not a diet. It is a life change; a change that you can live with. The whole idea is that you are able to stick with it. It is not a rigid diet and exercise program that banishes all of the fun in life. It is a lifestyle that promotes clean eating and daily activity, while allowing those wonderful splurges we look so forward to. A lifestyle that Cookin' Lean recipes work just beautifully in! 

With a sea of expert advice, it can be overwhelming at times to know who to follow. Know this; Andrea is an educated and experienced fitness professional of 27+ years. Her list of credentials is impressive to say the least,  and by just looking at her,  you can see that she clearly practices what she preaches. When you read Andrea's book, you can be sure you are getting reliable information from one of the best of the best in the industry. 

Does this sound like a book you would like to get your hands on? If so, please check back tomorrow for the Naked Fitness Giveaway where you could be one of two winners. See you tomorrow!!

**To learn more about Naked Fitness and Andrea Metcalf, visit the following links:


  1. This sounds like a book that you really enjoyed. Yeah!!! Definitely better than required reading.


  2. After floating through wWeight Watchers, Adkins and South Beach, the problem is never losing weight, it is the lifestyle maintenance...

    Looking forward to the giveaway... would like to read this


  3. Oh, I wish I could win that book! I have done Medifast and lost 40 lbs. Now I am doing weight watchers and hoping to lose 30 more to get at my goal weight. It is so hard, rewarding, but hard to do. I think I really like sweets way too much!!



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