Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Livin' Lean Topic Tuesday: Show a Sister Some Love

I believe that every woman wants to feel beautiful. I believe every woman has the right to feel this way and CAN feel this way. But I also know first-hand the power of words and the influence they can have on self-esteem and self-worth.

I have a little story to share...

Just this weekend, my friend told me that while shopping at Talbot's, she witnessed a horrific scene. A beautiful woman in her early 50's stepped out of the dressing room; confident and glowing. Her husband (who I will mention was no George Clooney), gave her a look in disgust. You could almost see her confidence crumble around her as she said, "I know. You don't want me to buy this until I lose more weight." He insensitively responds, "Yah. Much more weight." Oh, boy! This had my friend fired up!!

My friend wanted to run to her and tell her just how amazing she looked. It killed her to see that this man, who is her husband and should be making her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, had just crushed her spirit! My friend regrets not saying something to her, but feared what would come out in the direction of the husband. She had some words for him too!

The reason for this story is inspire you to show a sister some love! We work hard to keep healthy, stay fit and feel great about ourselves. There is no need to have people like this guy bringing that down. Give out compliments and positive words to women in your life. You never know where they are inside. They could have just had a band shopping trip with their clueless husband.

A little something I was inspired to write...

If you have ever battled with self-image, I hear ya.

If your weight has ever been a struggle, I've been there too.

If you have ever stacked yourself up against another women and could see only your flaws, join the club.

If at times you have relied on the approval of others to determine your self worth, I can relate to this too.

If the words of another have ever made you feel anything less than beautiful, you are not alone.

We are not alone in all this.
These thoughts & feelings DO creep into our head.
But thanks to the positive, supportive words of a sister
We can fill it up with confidence & beauty instead.

Stick together and support each other...like sisters.

Have a fabulous Tuesday! You are beautiful.


  1. I have a way the woman could lose a lot more weight quick--dump her s**tbag of a husband!

  2. I love what you wrote! You are beautiful too!

  3. well said ! there is a site just for this called operationbeautiful.com its about making notes and leaving them in the craziest of places for other women to read them when they least expect it !! thanks for reminding us women to love eachother and ourselves !that was an awesome post !
