Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Livin' Lean Topic Tuesday: Show Your Heart Some Love

February is a month where our country calls attention to matters of the heart. The most common images are those of roses, conversation hearts, chocolates and Valentines. But with heart disease impacting so many men and women, I believe it is time to show a little more love to the physical, not just emotional, aspects of the heart.

February is American Heart Month; an entire month dedicated to educating and bringing awareness to the #1 killer of people in the United States...heart disease. Can you believe that ever 25 seconds someone is having a coronary event and every one minute someone dies from this?* It's horrible to think about, yet there is a positive spin on this. We have the power of preventative action! There are things we can do every day that decrease our chances of being a statistic. A lean diet, daily activity, exercise, not smoking and moderate alcohol consumption will all show your heart how much you love it! It's not tough. Remember, small changes yield big results.

For more information about American Heart Month and tools to help guide your everyday choices, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

This February, if you choose to take part in Valentine's Day, that is your call. But I strongly encourage everyone to take a moment to look into the facts and information about heart disease. Arm yourself with the knowledge and awareness to prevent this disease from impacting you, your family and your friends. Don't just spread the love in your heart; help spread the message about showing love for your heart. You are worth it!

Look for my review next week on a book relating to this topic: Prevent a Second Heart Attack: 8 Foods, 8 Weeks to Reverse Heart Disease by Dr. Janet Bond Brill, Ph.D. R.D., LDN.

Thanks for stoppin' in! Have a Happy and Healthy Heart Month!

*Statistic taken from CDC website.


  1. So true. I am an EMT, and we see a lot of heart disease on transports. There are many things in common with most people in this group. I think it is good for all of us to keep ourselves aware and change the things we can change to help heal ourselves.

  2. Great post! Thanks for reminding us to pay attention to our hearts.


  3. LOVE PD, can't wait to try out your recipes!! your newest follower, anne

